Is Hair Loss A Permanent Part of Your Life?

Don't worry because you're not alone! For many people around the world, this has become a common problem. It can be inherited or caused by a habit of lifestyle. But it is a serious problem despite the reasons and should be addressed carefully.

What is the fall of the hair?

Everyone loses a few hair strands every day. It's a normal occurrence. If you lose 10 to 20 hair strands a day, there's no problem. Usually, every hair strand has a 2-5 year lifetime after which it will fall automatically. But if the loss of fully grown as well as new hair is excessive, then it is a serious problem.

When falling hair becomes a real threat?

(1) If there is a daily hair loss of more than 100 hairs (remember that it may increase to 250 hairs after shampooing and that it is normal).

(2) If there are visible bald patches and hair thinning.

(3) If new hair follicles fall.

What are hair loss causes?

(1) Allergies, toxins, chemicals, burns, injuries, and infections.

(2) Some medicines, such as anabolic steroids, may also cause hair losses such as those used in kidney failure, chemotherapy and radiation.

(3) Even vitamin overdose may cause hair loss, iron deficiency, anemia, thyroid, fever or pregnancy.

(4) Too much bleaching, dyeing, tight braiding, blow drying or using hot curlers may also result in hair fall.

Different Hair Fall Types:

Pattern baldness:

This is the common hair fall form that occurs due to hereditary factors. If one in the family has baldness, she may suffer from this type of alopecia. The genetic factors determine the pattern of hair loss, the development, and the rate of hair loss and the extent of hair loss.

Alopecia aerates:

Another genetic type of alopecia

Scarring alopecia:

The hair follicles are sometimes damaged due to excessive inflammation that causes scarring on the scalp itself. This creates alopecia and patches that are bald. Several skin problems and diseases can cause these inflammations.

Talien effluvium:

The hair cycle stops or hair begins to fall when the body goes through a sudden change. The reasons for the change may include stress, recent surgery, pregnancy, severe medicines, and fever, physical or mental stress.

Alopecia traction: Braids look good and are in vogue, but too much braiding can cause hair loss. When hair is pulled back or tightly braided, the follicles are subjected to immense stress. Doing so regularly causes hair to fall, leading to alopecia.

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