Hair line lowering

What is Hairline Lowering Surgery or Forehead Reduction Surgery?

A high or excessively large forehead can detract from your otherwise proportional features. An excessively high forehead can be due to genetic factors, hair loss, or from prior surgery such as a coronal brow lift or rarely an endoscopic brow lift. A high hairline or excessively high forehead can make an individual feel very self conscious and limit which hairstyles to wear to help camouflage the large forehead. Forehead reduction surgery or hairline lowering surgery can be used to reduce an excessively high hairline or large forehead in both men and women.

Forehead Reduction or Hairline Lowering Surgery

Forehead reduction or hairline lowering surgery consists of excising a strip of forehead skin right in front of your current high hairline.  This results in an incision that is slightly behind your hairline. Hair eventually grows back within the scar, and therefore helps minimize the appearance of the scar. Scar healing varies from patient to patient. While some patient's scars can look virtually imperceptible within a few weeks, on average it might take somewhere around 3-6 months for the scar to get to this point in most people. Dr. Ashutosh uses the latest techniques in minimally invasive surgery and scar reduction to help your scars heal imperceptibly.  Dr. Ashutosh's technique of forehead reduction surgery has proven to be almost immediately effective, well tolerated by patients, and associated with minimal complications and minimal pain. Some patients can return to work as early as 2 days after their hairline lowering surgery.

Good candidates for forehead reduction or hairline lowering surgery include women with a high hairline or large forehead who otherwise have thick hair.  Men with a high hairline or large forehead can also be good candidates for hairline lowering surgery if they have a thick hairline and no family history of hair loss. Men that have had a new hairline created with hairgrafting and want their new hairlines to be lower are also good candidates. Individuals with thinner hair can have great results especially if the forehead reduction is used in combination with a small amount of hair grafting. If you have low or heavy brows, this surgery can also help elevate your brows to a more natural and attractive position, but the hairline lowering surgery by itself does NOT affect the position of your eyebrows.

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